This lovely cake was created for my friend Lauren to celebrate her 24th birthday a few weeks ago. I don't know exactly who is responsible for of art...but it's just beyond words. Really. I can't figure out whether it is truly funny, or in light of the honestly dangerous nature of our sport, it should perhaps be seen as sad and too-too-realistic. I tend to see the hilarity in it, as Lauren so aptly commented that the colors of the horses even accurately matched her own 2 horses, and that "appropriately enough, Ari has thrown me off in my show jumping attire!" (Lauren has had a bad run of luck in the show jumping phase of a few events recently). :)
At any rate, it was such a creative effort, I had to post it here. The genius behind it (the accuracy of the construction of the cross-country jumps and the praying groom) is just eerie, but humorous all the same. Good luck at the Middle Tennessee Pony Club Horse Trials next week, Lauren!!!
I hope nobody actually watched that game on Saturday. Fortunately, I was at a horse show, sheltered from any, ANY wayward desire to turn on the tube and watch. What a train wreck. We've only played 4 games now, but I'm DONE.
It's a good thing my pig is tame and in-check!!! And, he's also kept up in my barn so he can't get out, get into trouble, or get attacked by crazy hog hunters. He doesn't cause any trouble. How much trouble could wild hogs get into living out in the woods?
Knoxville gas controversy. (Personally, I think local gas stations used the "shortage" as an excuse to jack-up prices on the home-opener football weekend. They made a killing.) Illegal!!!
I love lighthouses. And, what I love more than just lighthouses are lighthouses in places that I really love. To me, that concept makes perfect sense. Here are some interesting trivia items about the historic Charleston Light (Sullivan's Island lighthouse). And, seriously, no comments on the obvious Austin Powers-esque, pornographic nature of this photo. You can thank Mic Smith at The Post and Courier for this masterpiece. Really...people, we are all adults here (that means you too, Kelsey). :)
Isn't it amazing how, when something becomes an obsession, it almost seamlessly permeates your life at very unexpected moments...quite constantly? I have been all about this since I found it a few weeks ago (thanks, Melissa W.!!!). Imagine my surprise, while wandering through the FFA and 4-H exhibits yesterday at the Tennessee Valley Fair, when I happened upon the "Cake Decorating" exhibit. There were only 2 cakes entered. This cake received 2nd place. 2nd out of 2. Not bad. But, I just could not pass up the opportunity to snap a photo. It is classic "Cake Wrecks" material. It was a basic chocolate sheet cake, with white icing. No biggie, until the "decorating" aspect of the cake decorating happened. It is, I gather, a construction-themed cake...complete with Tonka trucks, construction worker figures, and mounds of what I really hope is brownie mix. At first, I thought that someone had cut out pieces of the chocolate cake and taken off the icing and left them just discarded on other portions of the cake (for, whatever reason, I wouldn't know). But on closer inspection, I realized the brown mounds were part of the decoration and - I hoped - were made out of something chocolatey...and edible. I believe they are to represent dirt. As in, "wow, that bulldozer sure moved a lot of dirt right there. Right there...on top of that cake." Mmmmm...
My football teams are just not off to a good start this year! Am I going to have to do something drastic, like start watching hockey? Is that what I'm reduced to???
This is one of the funniest blogs I've ever seen. I found this linked to my friend Melissa Webb's blog yesterday. Cake designs or decorations don't really seem that funny, until you've seen just how funny they can be (cue the clip from "Curb Your Enthusiasm" where the children are permanently traumatized by a pornographic cake). I'm in Charlotte until Tuesday, so this post will have to last everyone until next week. But, with this blog entry, I think there is more than enough to tide you over. :) Enjoy!
Wow. This is getting good! Just who is Levi? What does he look like? What kind of kid is he? How much are they paying him??? This might make things so much more interesting as November approaches!
This was just shameful. We practiced all summer for this kind of display of nerves, jitters, downright embarrassing mistakes, and overall incompetence? Come on, people! This is the SEC.