I really didn't want to buy in. REALLY didn't want to. But, I caved, and I read. And now I'm hooked. I'm not so much into the story or the writing (eek), but I do like the characters. I'll give book 2 a go this week and see if the interest keeps up...
This Valentine's cake cracked me up!!! It looks like it was decorated by my cat, with a special "present" on top. Happy Valentine's to my sister, who will get the biggest kick out of this!!!
Last night's nailbiter at Arkansas was unbelievable! Way to go, Vols! It seems like our close games in the earlier weeks of the season -- several ending in a frustrating loss -- prepared us to go the other way now and finish up those tight ones with a WIN. I'm sure there's lots of good stuff still ahead. Don't count us out yet (Randy Frye).
I drive an SUV (albeit a normal sized one, when I'm not driving the family 1 ton pick-up truck). My lifestyle dictates that I must drive a car that I can fit all my horse gear in, and the occasional dog or two. Celia Rivenbark debates the need for SUV ownership very entertainingly. I'm definitely an SUV/truck driver out of necessity, but don't think for one second that if I could walk into a Ford dealership today and drop $60,000 on this truck, just because it's gorgeous to behold, that I wouldn't. Because, I totally would.
As one [ethicist] explained it, "If you buy an SUV, you're buying your safety at the expense of someone else's." Well, yes. And your point would be? Sorry. I know that's not the PC reaction, but let's face it. If you're driving a Hyundai, which basically runs on air and tofu, and you get in an accident with an SUV, are you going to say, "Well, at least I have the courage of my convictions"? Hell, no. You're going to say, "Soon's I get outta this hospital bed and find my legs, I'm gonna get me a Suburban. Loaded." Why should I apologize for wanting to buy the safest family vehicle I honestly cannot afford? It's the American way. -- Celia Rivenbark,
We're Just Like You, Only Prettier