Friday, December 30, 2011

New shoes.

WARNING: Twirl and sashay at your own risk. 

On my holiday foray to Charlotte last week, I got a great deal on a killer pair of shoes. And, by "killer" I mean: "Those shoes are going to kill you when you fall and break your neck," (quotation courtesy of my mother, of course). But, one thing I cannot resist is a reasonably priced ($29) pair of fancy shoes. I haven't bought any fancy shoes in a long time. I will gladly pay $70 for new shoes for Eddie every 8-12 weeks, but it'll usually be 8-12 months between shoe purchases for yours truly. It's the holidays, so I caved in and I bought. I haven't worn them yet, but I keep hearing the old, "If you build it, they will come" line from Field of Dreams echoing in my head, so I figure that if I wear them, a party will materialize somehow, somewhere!

Cross-country course walking machines. Check out those studs.
And, yes, they are purple!

And, because one pair of shoes would have come home lonely in the bag all by themselves, I had to get 2 pair to keep everyone happy. These are my foot SUVs -- perfect for running, walking, hiking, and trekking out there around cross-country courses everywhere. These were $39 on sale (I know it's tacky to talk price, but I've got to give a great deal it's due). Such fancy kicks for not a lot of cash. Happy New Year to me! 

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