Thursday, October 27, 2011

On the Road Again.

Our very first event together, at Octoberfest back in 2005.
This is the final halt, before he grabbed the bit and jammed
his nose into the dirt (almost pulling me through his ears).
Such sweet memories.

This weekend is {drumrolllllllll} my and Eddie's return to competition. Now, before you get all excited and set your calendar reminders to tell you to check Facebook every 20 minutes for exciting event updates, I'll just tell you that it's only dressage. With that being said, dressage is famously our worst phase, so the "only" in that preceding statement is very tongue-in-cheek. We have been spending a lot of time the past year on our flatwork, so I am excited to see how we do back in a legitimate competition setting. I am riding the Beginner Novice Test B, the USEF Training Level Test 1, and the USEF First Level Test 1.

All y'all dressage queens out there? YOU CAN STOP LAUGHING NOW. My cow horse can be fancy, when he wants to.

Wish us luck!


Amy said...

Best of luck and have fun!!

Holly Ratcliff said...

Thank you so much, Amy! I've missed being out there. I will report back after the weekend to let everyone know how we did. I really appreciate the good wishes! :-)