Krazy Kat
My cat, Velvet, likes to sit on my tv cabinet and watch the television's image as it is reflected directly across the room in a big floor-to-ceiling glass window. This causes me no end of consternation, as she is usually perched directly in front of my digital cable box; which, in-turn, blocks the remote control signal and I'm not able to change the channels, play a dvd, adjust the volume, peruse my DVR recordings menu, watch all of my stored "Family Guy" episodes, etc., without my getting up off the love seat and making her move. She adores doing this to me ALL THE TIME. In this picture, she has just been watching a movie in the glass window, but is now watching the movie right there on the tv screen itself. It's all just so fascinating to her. And, I'll give a cookie to the first person who can identify the movie that is playing on my television screen. Melissa, you aren't allowed to participate, although I'm sure you're the only person who can actually get the right answer.
I can even tell you that Velveeta is watching Sara ride her dressage test in the Olympics.
It's actually Roger on Arizona at Ledyard! But, you definitely got the horse and the movie right. Did Velveeta know that was Roger on Arizona at Ledyard? Did she know that was dressage? Does she know how that horse and rider got into the tv set? She's all cornfused.
You are a dork. Is that your deleted comment up there at the top of the page?
The deleted post had actually said "And I can even tell you which scene is playing 'It was like dancing Swan Lake in clogs in a bog'." But then I was all "that's a girl riding, so it must be Sara in the Olympics". Either Roger looks like a girl or your TV is just crap. I'm banking on the latter.
My tv is crap, but so is my cellphone camera, which is what I used to take that picture. Smurfing Razr!!! But, you should have clearly been able to distinguish between Ledyard and the Olympics, as the judge's huts at Ledyard were barn red and the judge's huts at the Olympics were white. Get with the program already!!!! I'm all about the details. :)
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