Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Elbow Grease

One of my mother's favorite pony club stories to tell is one about my sister (nope, it's nothing on me, this time). The story goes that our DC was giving a lecture one Sunday afternoon about grooming techniques and the use of certain grooming tools. When he discussed the body brush, he said that it: "required strong, quick motions to get deep-rooted dust and dirt out of your horse's coat. It also takes a good amount of elbow grease, as well!" Immediately following, my sister (probably about 6 or 7-years-old at the time) leaned over to mom and whispered, "Where do we buy the elbow grease?" HA! If only, right? But, our DC was right. Sometimes, a little hard work really pays off in the long run.

This flyer from MSEDA is EXACTLY a bit of what I was talking about in my post from Monday night about giving and taking in our sport. I will *HAPPILY* put on some gloves and sneakers (my trail runners, and then maybe I'll even go for a run afterwards!) and fill a bag of trash in exchange for a free KHP schooling. That's a bargain! Exercise and the opportunity to help get the Park clean is well worth the effort, too. Anybody who wants to go with me, let me know if you want to try March 12 or the 19th. Should be fun!

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