Monday, March 21, 2011

A horse is a horse, of course, of course........unless it's a puppet.

I was getting caught up on Melissa Morris' blog this past weekend and she mentions, in a recent update, the opportunity she had to see War Horse on Broadway last week. I would love to go to this, but the chances that I will get to travel to NYC and see this show are pretty much non-existent. Melissa linked to a wonderful video that discusses the construction and animation of the puppets that are used on-stage to create the equestrian characters. All I have to say is: amazing. We are a far cry, these days, from the two-man, head-n-ass, carpet-covered horse costumes of yore. In the one scene where they take the puppets to the street for a demonstration, I can see the three men within (under?) the costume that make the horse come to life. But, only nanoseconds later, my brain completely forgets all that when I see the motion of the entire piece and the incredible movement and facial animations that make it absolutely a HORSE. This is quite remarkable and I hope to get the chance to see more of, or -- at the very least read more on -- this production in the future. Now, if I could just win the lottery, maybe I could get the chance to attend the show myself!

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